Just in case you need it -- we spring forward tonight night!! Before you go to bed remember to set your clock 1 hour ahead! If you don't, you'll be running behind tomorrow!!

Dr. Seuss Week wrapped up Friday with "Oh Where They Will Go" Day, as students dressed in clothes representing what they wanted to do when they grew up. We had football players, doctors, nurses, police officers, cowboys, teachers and more roaming our halls all day. It was a great way to wrap up Dr. Seuss Week and the last week before Spring Break. We hope everyone has a wonderful Spring Break!!

Here is the March Newsletter from our VISD Social Worker Nicole Cameron.

As we continue to celebrate Dr. Seuss Week, Thursday was a comfortable day for our students as staff as they were allowed to wear their PJs for Pajama Day.

The Dr. Seuss Week celebration continued Wednesday, as it was "Wacky Wednesday" here at McCord.

This will be the Main Event at the Skandar Akbar Memorial Cup being held Saturday, March 29, at D.O. Fulton Gym. Vernon is home to the late legendary wrestler Skandar Akbar and this wrestling event is to honor him. The event, a six-man tag team tournament, is being presented by King of Sports Championship Wrestling. Check out the link to the video and learn more about this exciting event. https://youtu.be/e-bA0Cjs8JQ

We are getting a little head start on our Spring Break, as tomorrow is an Early Release Friday. We hope everyone has a safe, fun and relaxing Spring Break. Classes resume on Monday, March 17.

Vernon ISD will be on Spring Break March 8-16. We hope all of our students and their families, along with our teachers and staff enjoy the break and get the chance to do something fun and relax.
We will return on Monday, March 17, ready to hit the ground running as we close out the 2024-25 school year.

Our pre-kindergarten students took a fun field trip yesterday to the City-Carnegie Library. The students listened to a story and then had fun coloring in drawings that had to do with the story. The field trip was part of the Dr. Seuss Week celebration.

This week, March 2-8, is National School Social Worker Week, and Vernon ISD is lucky to have one of the best in Nicole Cameron. Nicole does an outstanding job covering our campuses and helping students and their families.

This is Dr. Seuss Week at McCord Elementary and Tuesday it was "Green Eggs & Ham Day," with students and teachers wearing green. Some classes also enjoyed a green treat.

Cat in the Hat and Thing 1 visited McCord Elementary Monday to kickoff Dr. Seuss Week. It was also "Wear A Hat Day" as we begin a full week of celebrating Dr. Seuss.

First grader Messiah Martin and VISD Supt. Dr. Kermit Ward helped out on the drawing for the kindergarten and first grade META Quest virtual reality headset. Malaki Shivers was the kindergarten winner, while Henry Duncan was the first grade winner. The META Quest was the prize for the 4th Six Weeks Student Attendance Initiative, with students earning a ticket for the drawing for every week they had perfect attendance during the 4th Six Weeks grading period.

Here is the VISD cafeteria menu for March. All of our VISD students are eligible to receive a free breakfast and lunch every school day.

Today was blueberry day for our McCord students. Our students are receiving a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to try during snack time as part of a Fresh Fruit Vegetable Program grant the school received. Students in Ms. Singleton's, Mrs. Kajs' and Ms. Fryman's 1st grade classes had some definite opinions -- both positive and negative -- about the blueberries. They talked about the fruit in all the classes, with Ms. Singleton's students writing a sentence in their journals explaining what the blueberries tasted like and felt like. To read more about the program, please follow this link: https://www.vernonisd.org/article/2053327

Quick reminder!
Tomorrow is an Early Release Friday for Vernon ISD students.

Today was banana day for our McCord students. Our students are receiving a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to try during snack time as part of a Fresh Fruit Vegetable Program grant the school received. While most of Mrs. Twaleena Weddle's kindergarten students had eaten a banana before, today was the first time for a lot of them to peel their own banana. To read more about the program, please follow this link: https://www.vernonisd.org/article/2053327

It is "Pajama For A Purpose Day" tomorrow! Students and staff at all campuses who want to wear their pajama pants (appropriate for school) Thursday may do for a $3 donation. The fundraiser is for a VMS student who lost all of their belongs in a recent house fire. Each campus will have a process in place to collect donations and identify those students who paid to wear their pajama pants.

Our McCord students will be receiving a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to try during snack time over the next several weeks as part of a Fresh Fruit Vegetable Program grant the school received. Today the students got to try green Granny Smith Apples. To read more about the program, please follow this link: https://www.vernonisd.org/article/2053327

The Vernon ISD 2025-26 school calendar was approved during last week's VISD School Board meeting. The first day of school for 2025-26 will be Aug. 13. The fall break is set for Oct. 17-20, and school will be dismissed for the entire week of Thanksgiving. The Christmas break will be from Dec. 20 thru Jan. 6, 2026. Next year's spring break is scheduled for March 7-15, 2026, and the last day of school will be May 21, 2026.