Vernon ISD will be closed Monday in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. However, many of our students will be busy showing animals at the Wilbarger County 4-H Livestock Show being held at the Wilbarger County Exhibit Building. Good luck to all of our 4-H and FFA students.

Jarrod David, who won a Special Election runoff for Place 3 on the VISD School Board, was sworn in during Monday's board meeting. January is also School Board Appreciation Month and trustees received several gifts from the district and campuses. We appreciate all of our trustees' dedication to help make the district the best it can be, and their commitment to helping the district ensure each student receives a quality education.
Current VISD School Board Trustees are Chris Lehman, Emory Byars, Patrick Parmer, Carrie Hawkins, Amanda Lehman, Jarrod David and Bryson Henry.

Has your child lost a jacket at school?
Our lost jackets will be put on the fence by the cafeteria this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon hoping to be found by their owners.

As we start the first full week of our 2025 Spring Semester, here are a few reminders from our VISD District Nurse Jennifer Walker, RN, on our health protocols.

Monday starts the 2nd week of our Vernon ISD Attendance Incentive for the 4th Six Weeks. Each week a student has perfect attendance they receive a ticket to put in a drawing for a MEGA QUEST 3 virtual reality headset. There will be a drawing for EACH GRADE!!
If a student has perfect attendance for the entire grading period, they will have 7 tickets for the drawing. If a student misses a day one week, they're not eliminated from the competition, they just won't earn a ticket for that week. They will start with a clean slate the next week.

Our 40th anniversary celebration honoring the 1985 Class 3A State Champion Lady Lions will begin with at 5 p.m., this evening with a public reception in the VHS Bandhall. At the conclusion of the Lady Lions' game, at approximately 7:15 p.m., a ceremony honoring team members will be held at D.O. Fulton Gym. Please make plans to attend and help us celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Vernon High School's first team state champion.

Vernon ISD is operating on a 2-hour delayed start today. Roads are wet, but not frozen. Buses will run 2 hours later than normal.

Just a quick reminder that Vernon ISD will be operating on a 2-hour delayed start on Friday.

Vernon ISD officials have decided to close school today as weather conditions have deteriorated . We will also have a 2-hour delayed started on Friday.

Vernon ISD will be operating on a 2-hour delay start today due to the weather. We will continue to monitor the radar and weather conditions.

UPDATE -- Due to the weather models constantly changing, our VISD Administration team believes there is currently not enough concrete information to make a decision on whether or not have school on Thursday. Officials also believe there will not be enough information to make that decision tonight. District officials will make a decision early Thursday morning on whether we will have a regular school day, a late start, or close for the day. District officials will be up early and checking roads if necessary. As soon as a decision is made, we will announce it on our Facebook pages, through texts and we will let the TV stations know.

Our Vernon ISD students return to the classrooms tomorrow as we get the 2025 Spring Semester underway!! Here is the VISD Cafeteria Menu for January. Please remember all VISD students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch daily.

With the potential for winter weather coming into our area late Wednesday, our district administration is actively monitoring conditions closely to keep our students and staff safe. A decision regarding delays or closures will be communicated as soon as the decision is made.
Stay informed through:
Parent texts (via Skyward Student Profile Data)
Vernon ISD website: www.vernonisd.org
Vernon ISD & campus Facebook pages (www.facebook.com/VernonISD)
Local News Stations: KAUZ CBS 6; KFDX NBC 3: & KJTL FOX 18
We strongly remind everyone to rely on official Vernon ISD communication channels or sources listed above for accurate and timely updates to help avoid confusion from unverified or unofficial information.

Our student attendance rate for the Fall Semester was very good and we thank all of our parents for making a concerted effort to get their child/children to school. But, VISD always strives to do better! So we have a great incentive for the 4th Six Weeks of school, which begins Wednesday. At the end of the six weeks we will give away one META QUEST 3 virtual reality headset per GRADE!! Each week a student has perfect attendance, their name goes in a drawing for the META QUEST 3. So if student has perfect attendance for the entire six weeks, their name will be in the drawing 7 times (there are 7 weeks in this six weeks). Students keep up the good work and earn more chances to be rewarded with a great prize!

Vernon ISD wishes all of our district family, our students and their families, our friends and neighbors, and community a Happy New Year!!! Let's all strive to be our best in 2025!!

From Vernon ISD to all of our staff family, all of of our students and their families, and to the Vernon community and all of our neighbors and friends, we hope you have a very, very Merry Christmas!!

Just a quick reminder that due to UIL regulations, all VISD athletic facilities will be closed until Dec. 27.

It was a fun time in Ms. Smith's class yesterday as students made, and then ate, gingerbread houses in their PJs!!

Tomorrow is Vernon ISD's last day before our Christmas Break and it is an early release day.

We would like to congratulate Jarrod David for winning the runoff election for Place 3 on the VISD School Board. Jarrod received 241 votes, while Kyle Echols received 159 votes. We thank both Jarrod and Kyle for their interest in serving on our school board.