Receiving Student of the Week honors this week were: 1st Grade -- Saul Cordoba, Scarlett Lowery, Arya Coleman, Jaylee Cherry, Myla Sparkman, Foster Bell, Tomas Gilley, and Blossom Lar; Kindergarten -- K'siyah Guerra, Elizabeth James, Xxavier Hall, Violet Paw, Gavin Hernandez, and Macy White; Pre-Kindergarten -- Emilia Mullins, Semaja Junaid, Jesus Andres Lora, Monserrat Balderas, and Frank Vanek. Congratulations!!! Great job!!! Their photos will be displayed on our digital sign and the digital sign at the Admin Building next week.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
First grader Xavier Valtierra was our announcement helper this morning, helping Mrs. Bloom with, among other things, the joke of the day. Here, with aid from Mrs. Bloom, Xavier leads the students in the Pledge of Allegiance.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
announcement helper mccord
Here is our cafeteria menu for the December.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
december menu
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is an Early Release Friday for VISD.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
early release
It's a McCord thing! You won't want to miss this JOLLY event!!!
over 1 year ago, McCord Elementary
We are currently taking nominations for our Gifted & Talented Program for every campus. If you know a student you would like to nominate, please contact the counselor at the student's campus for more information.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
GT nominations
McCord Elementary Students of the Week for the week of Nov. 13-17, before our Thanksgiving break were: Pre-Kindergarten -- William Flud, Bentley Carr, Zachary Pierce and Annzley Maldonado; Kindergarten -- Khloe Herring, Logan Echols, Valencia Nuncio, Eli Albineda, Jeremiah McBride, Alyas Stanley, Messiah Stanfill and EhSunny Poe; 1st Grade -- Sofia Salas, Winter Escobar, Ivan Clemente, Gracie Crespo, Jaylin Stanley, Dexter Shelton and Grace Vasquez. Congratulations to all of these students. Great job!!
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear! You won't want to miss McCord's 1st grade students performing their Christmas Program THIS THURSDAY! We hope you can join us!
over 1 year ago, McCord Elementary
Program Announcement
To all the members of our VISD family, our students and their families, and the Vernon community, we want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for you and your support of Vernon ISD.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
happy thanksgiving
Friday morning, Vernon ISD administrators and VISD board trustees visited campuses and distributed Covid Retention Stipend checks to all staff members so they would have the funds for shopping over the Thanksgiving Break. Vernon ISD started its Thanksgiving Break today. School will resume on Nov. 27.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
A quick reminder that all VISD campuses will operate on their Early Release Friday schedules. Class will be dismissed next week for the Thanksgiving Break, with classes resuming on Nov. 27.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
early release
VISD campuses will be on their early release schedules Friday as we dismiss for our Thanksgiving break. Classes will resume on Monday, Nov. 27.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
During our Success Rally on Friday, we announced our McCord Six Weeks Superstars for the 2nd six weeks. Receiving Superstar honors were: Pre-Kindergarten -- Rozalie Leija; Kindergarten -- Luke Blevins; 1st Grade -- Ruth Lehman; Specials -- Xaven Hardeman. Great Job!!! Congratulations!!
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
As part of their Student Success Rally on Friday, each grade had a classroom Pie Eating Relay Race. Students in each classroom sat at a table in a line, and each had a small pile of whipped cream in front of them. When the first student finished their plate, the second student started on their plate and so forth. The reward for the winning team was getting to put a pie in Mrs. Bloom's face. The winning teams were: Pre-K -- Ms. Schmoker's classroom; Kindergarten -- Ms. Penny's classroom; and 1st Grade -- Ms. White's classroom.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
pie race 1
pie race 2
pie race 2
pie kinder 1
pie kinder
pie girl
pie boy
pie boys
paie face1
pie face2
Vernon ISD thanks all of those who served in our country's Armed Forces. A special thank you and salute go to our staff members who are veterans. We honor you on this Veteran's Day.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
vernon isd veterans
Selected as our McCord Teacher, Staff Member and Special of the Month for October were Laura Penny, Tiffany Lewis and Mary Charo. Congratulations ladies!!! Thank you for all you do for our students and for McCord Elementary!!!
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
Our Lions take on the Paradise Panthers in a Class 3A, Div. 1 Bi-District Playoff Game tonight at Memorial Stadium in Wichita Falls. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. District, Senior Citizen and Military Passes are accepted. Tickets can be purchased online by following this link: Tickets may also be purchased at the gate with a credit card. No cash transactions.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
Don't forget the VHS Veteran's Day program is today at the Wilbarger Auditorium. It is featuring the Army Corp Band. All veterans and the general public are invited!!
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
veterans day program
Receiving Student of the Week honors for last week were: 1st Grade -- Alexander Romero, Davinee Sertuche, Sherinna Say, Audrina Lopez, Allison Dillard, Brayden Nunn & Tyla Seldon. Kindergarten -- Roberto Sanchez, Ella Wilson, Elijah Grimes, Ariana Su, Bryan Fox-Guerrero, Savannah Lanagan, Breasie Johnson & Major Dobbs. Early Childhood & Pre-K -- Ezekiel Nino, Evalyn Sanchez, Camila Pena, Gemma Ornelas Jimenez & Brayden Perez. Congratulations!!! Great Job!!
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
Just a reminder that we go back to Standard Time. Don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour before you go to bed tonight.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
fall back